Monday, April 4, 2011

Brainstorming: All Things are Possible

I am going to start on book three, and now for the brainstorming. With the first story
the idea "dropped" into my head, literally. When I wrote my second story, I sat down
at the computer without a single idea and just started writing, and God was faithful to 
give me a great idea as I was typing. But as I approach story number three, I'm wondering how to get started.

I have a potential idea, and I've run it by my three year old, as is the usual custom. 
Part of my process is to try to think like my three year old daughter as I'm writing. 
What would she think of next? What would she want to see happen? Because I 
am writing for children, I think this will best create the stories that will capture their imaginations and curiosity. How wonderful it would be to see the world as a child 
does. With adventure around every turn and excitement everywhere, no wonder 
they seldom want to go to sleep.

I have been told that the writing is similar to a muscle that needs regular exercise.
Just do it, thank you, Nike. I will take that advice and do just that... after I get a 
shower. It is a bit of a sad reality that with my two cherubs, I rarely get a shower
before two in the afternoon. 

This week I am going to sit down and just start writing, and we'll see what will happen.
I pray that story  number three will be even more creative than my first two. God is 
the ultimate Creative One, and I know with His help, all things are possible! :)

"For all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27, ESV

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